National and International Awards and Recognitions
National and International Awards and Recognitions
Senior member IEEE;
International recognition, Certificate of appreciation and Praise from the Research Center of ANNA University, India for the scientific cooperation activity carried out with the Center;
International recognition, Certificate of appreciation and Praise from the Iran University of Science & Technology, Center of Excellence for Power System Automation and Operation for the scientific cooperation activity carried out with the Center in the years 2015-2017;
Invited paper in conference proceedings: V. DelliColli, M. Scarano, S. Meo: One and two dimensional numerical codes for linear induction machines, Conference on Software for Electrical Engineering Analysis Design ELECTROSOFT 17-19 / 09/99, Siviglia, Spain;
International recognition of the Conference on Software for Electrical Engineering Analysis Design ELECTROSOFT, for the work: V. DelliColli, M. Scarano, S. Meo: One and two dimensional numerical codes for linear induction machines, selected to be published on WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Software for Electrical Engineering Analysis and Design IV, vol. 2 p. 99-110, ISBN: 1853126845;
International recognition of the International Conference on POWER ELECTRONICS AND INTELLIGENT CONTROL FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION (PELINCEC 2005) Warsaw, Poland, 16-19 October, 2005 for the research article: F. Esposito, V. Isastia, S. Meo: “Energy management strategy for automotive electric power system”, judged among the best articles submitted to the Conference and selected for publication in the journal Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, vol. 2, p. 26-31, ISSN: 0033-2097.